Anyway, finally arrived in London the next day at 6pm London time. Noticed that my bathroom isn't so much a bathroom as it is just a shower place wih a curtain in an indentation on the wall, room is also smaller than I thought it'd be. Too tired to care then. I had this great idea of joining the welcome party at 8.30pm that night despite not having a decent sleep for nearly 20 hours - big mistake. Left the party early as I was feeling too lethargic and ended up taking 1 hour to get home because I didn't know the way back to college (as opposed to 20 mins if you know your way). Oh, just in case anyone is curious what my room looks like:
I'll upload the rest of the pics up on Facebook.
The day after I head down the local grocery store to buy essentials. Turned out I forgot to buy salt, sugar, dishwashing liquid so I end up having to make multiple trips. Luckily the local grocery store is fairly close by. I was lucky enough to be in a good area (Notting Hill for those familiar with London). Chinese market close-by means I can quickly get essentials such as soy sauce, chilli, mi goreng, and bok choy.
After a week now I've finally settled into the new lifestyle. Been sight-seeing a bit and started uni which I'll blog about next time. I'm starting to get used to the rain (although the past 3 days have actually been sunny), the sea of buildings, exorbitantly expensive dining, and explaining to poms that we in Australia don't drink Fosters on tap.
Tomorrow morning I'm going to head down Oxford Circus to find All Souls Church. My first step to find a home-church here in London.
svenyyy poooooooo, and truely this post was made by sven in sveny style lol
ooh nice. your room looks very cosy... and i know notting hill. it's a movie. julia roberts...
glad to hear you're settling in and getting used to london!
all the best with finding a church!
yay for sven! great blog to read, keep it up, it's nice to hear what you've been up to. All us EMPers are missing you and your chilli eating ways :)
happy church hunting
So did you end up making your way down to All Souls Church, Langham Place for this Sunday's service. The sermon topic by the Rector of All Souls sounds interesting for this Sunday's two morning services (might have to grab the podcast myself!) I am wondering how Rev. Palmer is gonna get through the first 4 chapters of Exodus for the sermon. Guess that I better check the sermon podcast out once today is over.
But damn, you haven't really got much a room there though!
Keep blogging too mate!
hahahaha sven you're so funny... try not to get lost too many more times!
typical london and typical sven = ?
your room reminds me of the 4-star hotel i stayed in in Rome for one night. so... it's not bad.
I bet you were playing MUGEN
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