OK, I'm giving blogging a go now. As Ill be going to UK pretty soon, hopefully I'll remember to update this thing later. Never really blogged aside from putting a few Facebook pictures up. BTW when I was picking my blog name I found out svensbox was already taken. Then I remembered a 'nickname' some people (namely zef) have called me, 'sven-o' and I improvised into svenosbox.
So in about 4 days I'll be off to the UK. Definitely starting to hustle a bit more getting everything up and packed. Strangely enough even though I am looking forward to it, the excitement hasn't built up that much yet. Probably will hit me all at once when I step into the airport though!
I want to mention that the farewell party I had on Friday was a blast. Everyone at EMP rocks (and you guys are probably the majority of readers here anyway!!). Thanks to Max and Viv who must have pulled out their hairs trying to organize everyone together, and for everyone who turns up and made the party happen! The video Frank compiled was awesome ass, definitely will be re-watching that a few more times before Friday. Will miss you guys when I'm over at pommy-land.
So back to packing for me! stuff are slowly getting into the suitcase which is a good thing. hopefully I won't forget too many things so I don't have to panic on thursday midnight! I promise to try and blog regularly as a pom.
6 years ago
take care man, blog heaps and take heaps of photos!
Met Harry Potter yet?
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